Survivors (Part 1)

Someone asked me, “Can you recommend a strategy for handling post-lay off morale initiatives for the “survivors”?”

Please, let’s stop calling them survivors. They are employees. I don’t claim that there aren’t morale issues for those remaining on the job after a layoff, but by calling them “survivors” we make two mistakes. First, we do a disservice to real survivors, like people who survived the killing fields in Cambodia in the 1970’s or those who survived Hurricane Katrina in 2006. Those are survivors. Second, by calling them survivors you are sending a subliminal message to the employees that the company did something bad to all those who were laid off. Let’s show respect for all classes of employees, those we keep and those who unfortunately are let go.

This is a personal peeve of mine (aren’t all peeves personal?). We need to be careful in the language we use.

And while we’re paying attention to morale issues, don’t forget to take care of the HR people who have to manage through all the layoffs. It takes its toll on us too!

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